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jeudi 12 avril 2012

1. Introduction

When I look for projects, I usually found some code samples on a particular technology but it is quite rare to find:
  • How to install the test framework
  • How to put the project in production
  • How to use the VCS
The goal of this blog is to introduce a small project and explain the different steps of development. I will not go in details and will only provide a small overview of the project.


The goal of the project is to provide a map where you can see all the yoctopuce devices from the people who have come on the page. Yoctopuce provide a meteo sensor device that can be plugged through USB. In this project, we would like to have the following flow:

  1. An user goes on the web page with his browser
  2. The web page is loaded and tries to contact known yoctopuce device URL:
  3. If it is successful
    1. The Web page analyzes which yoctopuce devices are plugged
    2. The Web page stores the data in the database with the current location
  4. The webpage loads and displays the world map with all the yoctopuce devices stored in the database

In this blog, I will describe:
  1. Prepare GIT to store the source code
  2. Configure the maven project
  3. Configure and install a virtual appliance with Jenkins
  4. Run a code coverage with Cobertura in Jenkins
  5. Use yoctopuce devices
  6. Basic introduction of java API for yoctopuce
  7. GWT introduction
  8. Put in production with google app engine

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