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lundi 30 avril 2012

10. Yocto-standalone module

As explained before, the common module has been implemented but we need now to specify how to use the YoctoTemplate in order to read the JSON API provided by Yoctopuce. For this module, JSON will be parsed using Jackson library.


The first step is to add Jackson dependency in the maven configuration. Add in the module configuration file:

35           <dependency> 
36               <groupId>org.codehaus.jackson</groupId> 
37               <artifactId>jackson-mapper-asl</artifactId> 
38               <version>1.8.5</version> 
39           </dependency>


In order to simplify the template. A class URLConnectionReader has been created which provides only one function:

24   interface URLConnectionReader { 
25       String getContent(URL url) throws IOException; 
26   }
The function receives an URL and returns the content as a string


The implementation of the interface is the following:
28   public class URLConnectionReaderImpl implements URLConnectionReader { 
30       public String getContent(URL url) throws IOException { 
31           StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); 
32           URLConnection yc = url.openConnection(); 
34           BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( 
35                   yc.getInputStream(), Charset.defaultCharset())); 
36           String inputLine; 
37           while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 
38               buffer.append(inputLine); 
39           in.close(); 
40           return buffer.toString(); 
41       } 
43   }
Now, that we have this class ready, it becomes easy to implement the YoctoTemplate


For simplicity's sake, I will only show the main functions:

Synchronous query

47       public YoctoMap query(String relativePath) { 
48           ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); 
49           try { 
50               URL newUrl = new URL(url, relativePath); 
51               String content = reader.getContent(newUrl); 
52               if (content == null) throw new IllegalStateException("Content is empty"); 
53               return new StandaloneYoctoMap((Map<String, Object>) mapper.readValue(content, Map.class)); 
54           } catch (IOException e) { 
55               throw new RuntimeException(e); 
56           } 
57       }

Basically, the function:

  1. calls the reader
  2. receives a string
  3. parses the string using Jackson's ObjectMapper.
  4. Returns the result in a YoctoMap object
The result will then be analyzed by the YoctoObjectImpl...

Asynchronous query

The asynchronous query will use a thread to call the reader in background, here is the implementation of the function:

55       public void aSyncQuery(String relativePath, YoctoCallback<YoctoMap> listener) { 
56           Thread thread = new Thread(new BackgroundQuerier(relativePath, listener)); 
57           thread.start(); 
58       } 
60       private class BackgroundQuerier implements Runnable { 
62           private YoctoCallback<YoctoMap> listener; 
63           private String relativePath; 
65           public BackgroundQuerier(String relativePath, YoctoCallback<YoctoMap> listener) { 
66               this.relativePath = relativePath; 
67               this.listener = listener; 
68           } 
70           public void run() { 
71               YoctoMap result; 
72               try { 
73                   result = query(relativePath); 
74               } catch (Throwable t) { 
75                   listener.onError(t); 
76                   return; 
77               } 
78               listener.onSuccess(result); 
79           } 
80       }

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