Normally a file should be created called: your_project.gwt.xml. This file will contain the description of the GWT application. In the case of the yocto-meteo project, here is the content:
19 20 <module rename-to='worldmap'> 21 <!-- Inherit the core Web Toolkit stuff. --> 22 <inherits name=''/> 23 24 <!-- Inherit the default GWT style sheet. You can change --> 25 <!-- the theme of your GWT application by uncommenting --> 26 <!-- any one of the following lines. --> 27 <inherits name=''/> 28 <inherits name=''/> 29 <inherits name=""/> 30 <!-- <inherits name=''/> --> 31 <!-- <inherits name=''/> --> 32 33 <inherits name="yoctopuce"/> 34 35 <set-property name="gwt.logging.logLevel" value="FINE"/> 36 <set-property name="gwt.logging.enabled" value="FALSE"/> 37 <set-property name="gwt.logging.consoleHandler" value="DISABLED"/> 38 39 <set-configuration-property name="document.compatMode" value="BackCompat"/> 40 41 <!-- Other module inherits --> 42 43 <!-- Specify the app entry point class. --> 44 <entry-point class='org.yocto.sample.client.WorldMap'/> 45 </module>
- At line 20: we specify the name of the application: it is used in the HTML file including the generated javascript
- At line 22: we load the GWT core
- At line 33: we inherit the content of yocto-common (that has been created as a GWT module as well)
- At line, 28: we add two plugins: google maps in order to see the world map and the logging in order to have java.util.Logger API.
- At line 35: we specify the logging properties, by default the logging is enabled (very useful). You can decide to disable it when you go in production
- At line 44: we specify the entry point: the main class that must implement EntryPoint interface.
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